DCCA's E-blast

For more neighborhood news read DCCA's semi-monthly eBlast.  Click HERE to have it delivered to your inbox

June 1 Shredding Event

WHEN: Saturday, June 1st from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
WHERE: 1514 15th Street, NW (St. Luke’s parking lot)
WHAT: Event co-sponsored by the Dupont Circle Citizens Association and the Dupont Circle Village, Shredding by Patriot Shredding
DETAILS: Click here to learn what materials along with paper can be shredded


WHO:  You!  All Dupont neighbors are invited to attend - membership is not required for this event
WHEN: Monday, May 6th at 7:00 PM
Chastleton Ballroom, 1701 16th Street NW
Join us for the DCCA Annual meeting.  The agenda will including refreshments, an election of the 2024-25 Board of Directors, short presentations on featured Dupont neighborhood projects and a year in review of all we have accomplished together as a membership organizations.

April Membership Meeting


WHO:  You!  All Dupont neighbors are invited to attend - membership is not required for this event
WHEN: Monday, April 8th at 7:00 PM
Chastleton Ballroom, 1701 16th Street NW
Our guest will be Attorney General Brian Schwalb who will update us on the activities of the Office of Attorney General and take questions from the audience. The OAG serves as the District’s prosecutorial agency for crimes committed by juveniles and some adult offenses, including traffic offenses. The office also has programs aimed at preventing juvenile crime.  Come prepared with your questions for AG Schwalb.

March Member Meeting

WHO:  You!  All Dupont neighbors are invited to attend - membership is not required
WHEN: Monday, March 4th at 7:00 PM
Chastleton Ballroom, 1701 16th Street NW
Neighborhood updates and a presentation and Q&A with DC Council Chair Phil Mendelson

February Member Meeting

WHO:  You!  All Dupont neighbors are invited to attend - membership is not required
WHEN: Monday, February 5th at 7:00 PM
The Perry Belmont House - 1618 New Hampshire Avenue
Neighborhood updates,  a talk about the history of Belmont House from a local expert and a DDOT presentation on the Connecticut Avenue Deckover and Streetscape project

SPECIAL PERK: Those who arrive early are in for a special treat - a guided tour of the Belmont House. Be sure to arrive by 6:30 to enjoy!

1617 U

The Zoning Commission has held hearings on the upzoning of this site on January 8th, 18th and 29th. The Office of Planning presented their case followed by lively cross examination by DCCA's counsel, Vice President Ed Hanlon, and other registered parties of neighborhood groups, with more testimony during the continuation hearing.

You can watch the hearings here:  January 18th hearing, January 8th hearingJanuary 29th hearing

The January 29th hearing is expected to be continued on February 12th.

DCCA Funds and Fixes Park Fence

The fence around Freedom Garden was damaged by a crash in December 2021. Now, thanks to the work of intrepid DCCA 2nd Vice President and Parks and Gardens Committee co-Chair, Marcy Logan, it is repaired. Click here to see pictures.

In the past year, DCCA has invested almost $4,000 in permanent improvements to our parks and gardens, including the fence repair for Freedom Garden and an irrigation system for the T Street Park. When you renew your membership or join DCCA, please consider increasing your membership level or adding an extra contribution to help defray these costs.

1617U Presentation and Member Passed Resolution

DCCA Members and neighbors recently met to discuss the proposed upzoning of the 1617U site and DCCA Members passed a resolution calling for DC not to sell or lease the land and to keep the zoning as MU-4.  The November meeting presentation and resolution can be viewed HERE.

DCCA aims to present this point of view at the November 20th zoning hearing. In the future, we will also be facilitating discussion of any proposed disposition of the land and Request for Proposals that are issued from the Deputy Mayors office. This will be a long planning process, similar to what occurred for the Reeves Center.

NOVEMBER MEETING - Dupont Updates & 1617U

WHO: DCCA Members and neighbors who have not yet joined - we are opening the meeting so you can learn about and join our Citizens Community Association

WHEN: Monday, November 6th at 7:00 PM

WHERE: Chastleton Ballroom, 1701 16th Street NW

WHAT: The topic for the November meeting is the redevelopment of the city-owned property at 1617 U Street, the current site of the Police and Fire Stations, and the upcoming hearing on rezoning this property. See the resolution passed at the June DCCA membership meeting on this project. Members voted in favor of a resolution opposing the proposed Map Amendment for 1617U and 1620 V Street, which will be submitted to the DC Office of Zoning for the hearing on June 26th. Click here to read the Resolution.

Calendar note:  Notice our new earlier start time for membership meetings - 7:00 p.m.


WHO:  You!  All Dupont neighbors are invited to attend - membership is not required

WHEN:  Monday, October 2nd at 7:00 PM
The Congressional Club - 2001 New Hampshire Avenue
WHAT:  We are delighted to announce that John DeFerrari and Douglas Peter Sefton, the authors of the new book, 16th Street NW: Washington, DC's Avenue of Ambitions will regale us with stories of the ups and downs of the buildings along the street.

SPECIAL PERK: Those who arrive early are in for a special treat - a tour of the First Ladies Gown Room at the Congressional Club which houses four foot high replicas of the inaugural gowns worn by every First Lady since Abraham Lincoln along with other historic treasures. Only early birds get the worm - be sure to arrive by 6:40 to enjoy!

Calendar note:  Notice our new earlier start time for membership meetings - 7:00 p.m.


WHO:  You!  All Dupont neighbors are invited to attend - membership is not required
WHEN:  Thursday, September 7th at 7:00 PM
The Chastelton Ballroom - 1701 17th Street
WHAT:  This special meeting is to address the issue of crime in the Dupont neighborhood.  The speaker will be Gregg Pemberton, Chairman of the DC Police Union, who will address the current crime wave from the police union’s perspective and offer his view on what can be done about crime on our streets.  Details and agenda will be updated as we get closer to the meeting date.

Calendar note: this meeting has an earlier start time than our membership meetings - 7:00 p.m

Resolution Oppposing Map Amendment for 1617U and 1620 V Street

At the June 2023 membership meeting DCCA members voted in favor of a resolution opposing the proposed Map Amendment for 1617U and 1620 V Street, which will be submitted to the DC Office of Zoning for the hearing on June 26th. Click here to read the Resolution.

Testimony on Masonic Temple Development

Lance Salonia, chair of DCCA's regulatory committee, along with other interested parties testified at the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) on the topic of Masonic Temple development. After hearing testimony, the HPRB agreed to defer decision-making on the current landmark boundary reduction amendment case, until their June hearing date. The stop work order, in effect since January, applies to a disputed portion of the historic landmark site near the rear of the Temple. Consequently, we don't anticipate any attempts to remove the stop work order while the deferment is in effect. Lance Salonia submitted his oral testimony which can be read here.

DCCA Passes Resolution

At DCCA's February Membership meeting there was a lively discussion of the Connecticut Avenue Streetscape and Deckover projects, for which the construction plans had been shared at a public meeting on January 30th. Many concerns about the project were expressed, which will be taken up at further community meetings, such as the ANC2B Mobility Committee meeting on February 21st.  Of immediate concern was to initiate a safety plan for 19th Street and adjacent blocks, which have long suffered traffic congestion and will be affected by these projects. A resolution for a 19th Street safety plan was passed unanimously.

DCCA Announces Streatery Award

As announced last night at the monthly membership meeting, DCCA recently conducted a survey of its members and established an expert panel to review the survey results and to identify the winner of the DCCA Streatery Award for Contributions to the Neighborhood. 

Annie’s Streatery was highly regarded by DCCA survey respondents for its attractive design, for the effective use being made of public space, for its maintenance and cleanliness and for its safe design for people who walk, bike and drive. The Award Panel noted in addition that Annie’s Streatery was “fun, spirited and consistent with the theme of the restaurant.” The Eaton DC hotel has kindly provided a complimentary weekend stay for the Award winner.

DCCA is proud to be a connecting space for neighborhood voices. We invite you to join us for a special Happy Hour awards ceremony at Annie's on Friday December 9th at 5:30 pm where Dupont Circle Citizens Association President, Susan Volman, will present the award.

Click here to read more about the DCCA Streatery Award criteria, honorable mentions of other restaurants and overall feedback on neighborhood streateries.

DCCA Calls for Full Community Engagement on Upgrading the Q and R Street Bike Lanes

Last month, the Dupont Circle ANC2B passed a resolution that asked the DC Department of Transportation to expedite a study of Q and R Streets NW to upgrade the bike lanes to the current safety standards, which include protected bike lanes where possible. DCCA has sent a letter to DDOT noting that while it is early in the process, we want to emphasize from the very beginning that bike lanes are of great interest -- both pro and con -- for the residents of this area, and therefore it is imperative that DDOT engage in a robust and transparent public discussion of their plans.  Click here to read the letter.

Resolution in Support of Public Toilet Pilot

DCCA members voted to support Dupont Circle as a site for a standalone public restroom pilot. The DCCA Board of Directors is directed to write a letter by June 30th to the office of the DC Deputy Director of Health and Human Services indicating DCCA’s support for this pilot in Dupont Circle, with the following conditions:

  1. DCCA prefers a site other than the southeast intersection of P Street and Massachusetts Avenue. If this site proves to be the most feasible, we request that the garden located there not be removed.
  2. DCCA requests more information about what city agency or other entity will be responsible for maintaining standalone public restrooms.
  3. DCCA recommends the Portland Loo as most appropriate for Dupont.

DCCA Centennial

Council of DC recently approved the Dupont Circle Citizens Association Centennial Anniversary Recognition Resolution of 2022.

DCCA is proud of its 100 year history of connecting neighbors and celebrating the vibrant Dupont Circle neighborhood we all call home. DCCA was founded in 1922 in a townhouse at 1767 P Street and it continues to bring neighbors, including residents, businesses and non-profit organizations, together to improve the quality of life in an active and diverse urban neighborhood. It holds membership meetings, runs the Dupont Circle House Tour, resolves neighborhood issues through its committees, donates to local causes, and incubates innovative projects.

The resolution was introduced by Ward 2 Councilmember Brook Pinto and other members of the Council click here to read.

Testimony on Redistricting

DCCA submitted testimony to the taskforce outlining our interests for the various proposed new borders for ANC2B, based on discussion at our March membership meeting.

DCCA's boundaries were established before Home Rule and have never coincided entirely with those of the Dupont ANC, although for the most part, we have brought issues of concern to our members to ANC2B. Members should be assured that DCCA will continue to represent your interests to adjacent ANCs as needed when the ANC borders change.

Of note, on the suggestion of a DCCA member at our March meeting, we advocated for a map that would keep both sides of the business districts on 17th and Connecticut Avenue in one single member district (SMD) for multiple blocks. All testimonies, discussion maps, and recordings of the task force meetings can be found here.

November Membership Meeting: 17th Street

The November 1st DCCA Membership Meeting was dedicated to a discussion about the 17th Street re-design. Councilmember Brooke Pinto attended for the first half hour and answered member's questions about the bike lane and encouraged DCCA to work with her on measures to improve safety. DCCA passed a resolution from the floor by a majority vote, which called for the removal of the counterflow bike lanes between Massachusetts Avenue and S Street. This document has some good ideas for how to build protected bike lanes (PBLs) that work for pedestrians.

For the last part of the meeting, ANC Commissioner Mike Silverstein joined us for a discussion of the potential redistricting maps, which had been released that day. All three discussion maps move some parts of north Dupont Circle from Ward 2 to Ward 1. DCCA is opposed to these this change. President Susan Volman testified at the November 5th hearing of the DC Subcommittee on Redistricting, focusing on the negative effects of this change on DCCA.

DCCA Testifies on Redistricting

DCCA is opposed to proposed redistricting changes being considered by City Council. President Susan Volman at the November 5th hearing of the DC Subcommittee on Redistricting, focusing on the negative effects of this change on DCCA.  Click to read the testimony.

DCCA Passes Resolution Calling for Removal of Counterflow Bike Lanes

DCCA pass a resolution from the floor by a majority vote, which called for the removal of the counterflow bike lanes between Massachusetts Avenue and S Street. Click to read the resolution.

DCCA Testifies at Confirmation of DDOT Director

DCCA President Susan Volman testified to the DC Council Committee on Transportation and the Environment Roundtable on October 26th. The subject of the roundtable was the confirmation of Everett Lott to be DDOT Director.  Click here to read the testimony.

September 30 Letter to CM Cheh on 17th Street

DCCA sent a letter to the Mary Cheh, Chairperson of the DC Council Committee on Transportation and the Environment, to ask that Council exercise its DDOT oversight role regarding the failure of DDOT to issue a new Notice of Intent for the 17th Street Redesign Project, when as noted on the DDOT website, "the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is required to give a written notice of intent to modify traffic and/or parking requirements."

Specifically, a new NOI should have been issued when RRP parking spaces on the west side of 17th Street and on Church Street were converted to paid loading and no parking zones.  Click here to read the letter.


DCCA has submitted a new letter to DDOT about the redesign of 17th Street, noting existing and potential problems. Click here to read the letter.

We plan to continue meeting with DDOT on this issue and would like to hear from our members about other problems or incidents not covered in the letter. Please send your comments to DCCA'S President Susan Volman.

July Statement on 17th Street Redesign

As anyone who has been to 17th Street lately knows, the new cycle track and roadway configuration are now a reality. DCCA has been involved with the ever-changing plans for protected bike lanes on 17th Street since the project was first proposed in 2017. Our ideal would be for the blocks between P and R Streets – East Dupont’s “Central Square” – to become a true shared street (a “woonerf” in Dutch), with no designated travel areas for pedestrians, cyclists, scooters, and motor vehicles. However, this radical change, if it were to come, is probably 20 years off. In the meantime, we’d like to see 17th Street work as well as possible for all modes of transportation. We think the planning process for 17th Street was flawed, in part because communication and community engagement were sporadic and did not involve all users as the plans evolved.

I made a STATEMENT at the ANC meeting on July 14th outlining our concerns with the process. Since then, I have proposed to the ANC Mobility Committee that the ANC enter into a formal agreement to monitor the situation on 17th Street going forward at specific intervals, and most importantly, to guarantee they correct problems in a timely manner. I hope that the full ANC will adopt this plan. DCCA will also independently ask DDOT to respond to problems our members observe over the next few months, such as repeated traffic jams, merchants’ concerns, persistent parking violations, cars and cyclists not stopping at lights, need for better signage, etc.

Susan Volman
DCCA President

Previous DCCA action and positioning on the bike lane can be found here.

DCCA Expresses Concern on DDOT's 17th Street Bike Lane Plans

Construction on the northern spur (Massachusetts Avenue-T Street NW) of the 17th Street Protected Bike Lane will begin in July.  You can review the final plans for the temporary construction project HERE.

DCCA commented on an earlier proposal last summer and commented more recently on the current plans.

DCCA Committee on Homelessness Submits Testimony

In June the Homelessness Committee sent a testimony to the DC Council asking for budget increases in permanent supportive housing to move our unhoused neighbors off the sidewalks and into the kind of care that can change their lives as well as more funding for prevention and diversion services to prevent people from falling into homelessness at all.  Read the entire letter here

The letter also asked for more transparency about the likely impact of budgeted funds in addressing the homelessness crisis, a request that the Committee had previously made (link to earlier statement) following public reaction to the DCCA educational series on homelessness.

dcca joins lcca in advocating for neighborhood tree care

DCCA joined the Logan Circle Community Association (LCCA) in advocating for funds to be allocated in the upcoming budget for watering street trees and replacing sidewalk litter bins. Click here to read the joint letter sent to Ward 2 Councilmember Brooke Pinto.


DCCA testified before the HPRB on May 27th in opposition to a plan by Dupont Italian Kitchen to enclosed their sidewalk café on R Street, which was also opposed by the Office of Historic Preservation. We hope this popular restaurant can find a way to accommodate a larger kitchen and replace lost seating. However, the 17th Street commercial area is replete with sidewalk cafes, which offer an almost continuous vista of vibrant street life. Allowing this enclosure is likely to encourage others to follow suit, which will severely alter the ambience and historic character of the neighborhood. Click here to read the testimony sent to the Historic Preservation Review Board.


 DCCA joined with the Dupont Circle Conservancy in asking Ward 2 Councilmember Brooke Pinto to reconsider her vote on an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to increase the residential density at the current site of the V Street Police Station. While we support affordable housing and possible co-location of amenities such as a public library at this site, the site is adjacent to the Strivers’ Section Historic District, and a change to high density would be entirely out of scale with the surrounding townhomes that significantly contribute to DC’s history and historic fabric.   Click here to read the letter.

DCCA Issues Statement on Homelessness in Dupont Circle

DCCA's Committee on Homelessness recently worked with community leaders to organize an online information series about single people who are homeless and unhoused in the Dupont neighborhood.

At the conclusion of the series DCCA and the Homelessness Committee issued a statement which can be found here.


March Social Hour: A History of Black Power in DC

Join us for a fascinating discussion led by George Derek Musgrove, Ph.D. an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Dr. Musgrove is the co-author, with Chris Myers Asch, of Chocolate City: A History of Race and Democracy in the Nation’s Capital and has launched a new website that explores an antecedent to today’s Black Lives Matter movement and push for racial justice — the Black Power movement. Dr. Musgrove tells the story of how the District became a national center of Black Power organizing. That story has many connections to Dupont Circle.

homeless and unhoused in the Dupont neighborhood: Weekly information series

People who are homeless and unhoused in the Dupont neighborhood: Weekly information sessions

The sessions will cover topics ranging from the structural problems in DC’s housing market and social safety nets that are leading to an increase in homelessness, the individual challenges of mental health and substance abuse, the impact of COVID, the costs of addressing the issue more effectively and the very particular difficulties faced by people of color, women and LGBTQ youth.

The intention is that each of the topics is examined in a practical way so that those participating in the discussions will leave with the information that they need to help, to campaign for change and to support progress towards ending homelessness.  The overall objective is to have a better informed community - a community that is better positioned to lobby or take action on the basis of facts.  

The sessions will be conducted online by Zoom.  Once registered you will be sent a log in link for the series and a reminder in advance of each session.  The program is now complete click here to read about each session and watch video.

DCCA Members Social Hour

January Social Hour: A presentation and discussion on Wealth, Power,and Architecture During Dupont Circle’s Gilded Age

Dupont Circle became the epicenter of Washington’s high society during the Gilded Age. Much of the social and architectural history of the Dupont Circle neighborhood is illustrated through the experiences of Sarah Whittemore, builder of 1526 New Hampshire Ave NW, who like so many others, moved to the area from the mid-west in order to try to establish themselves in society.  

This talk will be led by Stephen Hansen. Hansen is an architectural historian, historic preservation specialist, and author. He is founder and serves as principal of Preservation Matters, an historic preservation policy and architectural history consulting firm. His professional life has also included positions with the National Park Service and several cultural resource management and archaeology firms. He is a Director of the National Mall Coalition and a past President (2016-19) and Trustee of the Committee of 100 on the Federal City.  He holds a B.A. from Oberlin College, an M.A. from The George Washington University, and a Graduate Certificate in Historic Preservation from Goucher College.

DCCA Submits Testimony on the Proposed Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan

DCCA President Glenn Engelmann testified at the DC Council’s hearing on the Proposed Amendments to the DC Comprehensive Plan.

DCCA applauded the Council’s changes to the framework portion of the plan which preserved the right to seek court review of zoning decisions and the proposed retention of the overall density guidance for the neighborhood. However, we advocated for tightening the language to ensure that due recognition is given to the historical nature of our neighborhood but at the same time advocated for stronger language relative to the creation of affordable housing and consideration of converting commercial properties to residential in order to achieve this goal.

A copy of DCCA’s statement can be found by clicking here.

DCCA Voices Concerns About Dismissal of Principal and School Safety

On Friday, DCCA sent a letter to DCPS Chancellor Ferebee expressing concern regarding the recent dismissal of the principal for School Without Walls at Francis-Stevens and the lack of clarity about plans to ensure the safety of all DCPS students as the city moves to in person classes. DCCA asks for a clear explanation of the grounds for the principal's dismissal, the basis for assessing the health and safety at DC schools during the pandemic and better communication with parents, teachers and community groups.

The full letter can be found by click here.

DCCA Hosts ANC2B Candidate Forum

The Dupont Circle Citizens Association hosted an online candidates forum on September 30th.  This informational forum is an opportunity for residents to hear from each of the ANC2B candidates and understand their viewpoints on local issues. We encourage you to take some time to watch the forum and get to know your ANC commissioner and learn more about those who will be on your November ballot.


The Dupont Circle Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC 2B) is the publicly elected representatives for the Dupont Circle neighborhood. Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners are non-partisan, serve two-year terms without pay and are elected in even-numbered years. ANC2B has jurisdiction over the vast majority of Dupont Circle and is comprised of nine ANC Commissioners. Each Commissioner has a Single Member District (SMD) and represents about 2,000 residents. The ANCs' main job is to be their neighborhood's official voice in advising the District government (and Federal agencies) on things that affect their neighborhoods. Although not required to follow the ANCs' advice, District agencies are, on many occasions, required to give the ANCs' recommendations "great weight."

To view a list of the candidates and a map of the ANC2B Single Member Districts click HERE.

October Membership Meeting

Monday, October 5
7:30 PM

The DCCA October membership meeting (online) will be your chance to hear directly from your representatives! Mark your calendar for Monday, October 5th at 7:30 p.m. Featured speakers will be DC Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton and Ward 2 Councilmember Brooke Pinto. Our speakers will present on issues relevant to Dupont Circle followed by a Q&A session.

Members and non-members are welcome to register and attend the meeting. You MUST register in order to receive log-in credentials. To register for the October 5th event, click here.

SEPTEMBER Member social hour

September's Online Member Social Hour will take place on September 14th at 7:30.   DCCA Members will receive an email with an invitation to register for the event. Not a member?  Click here to join.

September's topic will be:  Racial injustice in the Dupont Circle neighborhood – the story of one block, and more

Black and white families often lived next to each other in 19th century Washington, particularly in the city center.  However, during the first half of the 20th century segregated housing, playgrounds and schools became the norm.   Racially restrictive covenants were a particularly effective tool for segregating housing. 

 In August 1921, white residents of the 1700 block of S Street NW signed an agreement to restrict the sale or rental of their houses to white people, even though the row of more modest houses at the western end of this block of S street had always been Black-occupied. 

  • What triggered the white neighbors to sign the racial covenant in 1921?
  • What was the larger picture of race and segregation in DC at that time?
  • The Supreme Court ruling in 1948 that such covenants could not be enforced in DC was not the end of the struggle – what other obstacles to integrated housing remained?

Mara Cherkasky is a historian specializing in DC neighborhoods, institutions, and agencies. She has worked on a number of Neighborhood Heritage Trails and the city’s African American Civil Rights Tour. She has also authored books and articles, contributed to documentary films, and written historic-site signage. Mara is a co-founder of both the historical research firm Prologue DC (http://prologuedc.com/) and the digital public history project Mapping Segregation in Washington DC (http://www.mappingsegregationdc.org/).

Mara will join a DCCA Social Hour and make a presentation about the racially restrictive covenant on S street, its origins and its implications, leading to a discussion about this history of racial injustice and where it leaves us today.

All DCCA members were sent an email with a link to register for the event.

DCCA Comments on 17th Street Bike Lane

DCCA submitted written comments to the DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) on the proposed 17th Street bike lane.
  • Click here to view DCCA's letter.
  • Click here to read the email reply and exchange with DDOT
Rest assured DCCA will continue to advocate for a more thoughtful and inclusive approach to this project.

JULY MEMBER Social Hour: Dupont History

DCCA was pleased to have DCCA member and Dupont resident, Marc Langston, share some of his video history collection compiled for his YouTube channel ("The History Hat") at our July members social hour.  Marc's presentation centered on his work documenting Dupont Circle's history and DCCA members shared in a lively conversation about neighborhood treasures, architecture, historic designations, and more.  We are sharing a few highlights of the slides Marc presented here.  Members who attended the event should look to their email boxes to receive the full presentation.  As always - connecting with neighbors makes us DupontProud!


The guidelines for staying safe during COVID-19 have rained on the 2020 Pride Parade but there is no stopping our celebration of Pride this month and every month in Dupont Circle! 

Click on DCCA's 2020 Pride Message.mp4 to hear a special message from the DCCA Board.

17th Street Takes on New Look with expanded sidewalks

Check out the new configuration of 17th St between P and R Streets. This is a temporary arrangement under the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) plan to extend sidewalks near grocery stores and other essential retailers to allow pedestrians enough space to practice social distancing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency.

The extended sidewalk allows extra space for shared biking and walking, and the eastern travel lane has been effectively converted to a loading, pick-up drop-off, and short-term parking zone, alleviating the chaotic double parking.

DCCA has been advocating to turn these blocks of 17th Street into a true shared street. This temporary arrangement gives us a nice taste of what a shared street could be. Thanks to ANC2B05 Commissioner Randy Downs for advocating for this sidewalk extension, and for the pictures.

DCCA stands with other citizens' associations in solidarity against racial injustice

Please see the joint statement from Graylin Presbury and Earl Williams, presidents of the DC Civic and Citizens Federations. The statement addresses the death of George Floyd and addresses the turmoil now happening in the city and across the nation as so many rise up in protest.

DCCA is a member of both organizations and fully supports the joint statement.

Click here and read the letter.

DCCA takes action on behalf of Homeowners on Emergency Relief

DCCA sent a letter to Council and the Mayor requesting an extension of the due date for residential property taxes. 

As part of the DC Council’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic consequences for the District, the Council voted to defer real property taxes for hotels and sales taxes for other businesses for 90 days. The bill contained a lot of relief for a lot of businesses as well as for the unemployed, renters, and others. Notably absent from the bill’s relief provisions was any relief for the District’s residential property owners.

In passing the relief bill last week, the Council also committed to making further relief available as needs became known. On March 27th DCCA sent a letter to Council to make known the needs of the District’s homeowners to have the 1st half of 2020 real estate taxes due on March 31, 2020 deferred for 90 days. While March 30 has now come and gone, we hope Council will provide some relief to homeowners as it considers additional measures in the future.

Click here to read the letter.

Ward 2 Council Member Forum

The Dupont Circle Citizens Association (DCCA) worked together with our friends at the Logan Circle Community Association (LCCA) to co-host a Candidate Forum so that residents could hear from all nine of the candidates running for the recently opened Ward 2 Council Seat.

DC political reporter Tom Sherwood and WAMU's Kojo Nnamdi moderated the forum which was held at the Foundry Church. The crowd filled the sanctuary of the Foundry Church and was often vocal in reaction to a lively and informative presentation of the candidates' viewpoints.

To view a video recording of the event click HERE - we will continue to compile coverage and news analysis of the event here:

WAMU: Co-Moderator Kojo Nnmadi's WAMU radio show discussing the forum

Washington Post:  Jack Evans asked for forgiveness after scandal. He got boos.

WTOP: Former DC council member Jack Evans requests forgiveness, second chance at candidate forum
WAMU: Facing Boos And Jeers, Disgraced Former D.C. Council Member Jack Evans Publicly Asks For Old Job Back
The GW Hatchett:  Ward 2 Councilmember hopefuls contest transportation, homelessness at fourth debate
Georgetowner: Evans Wants Second Chance, Gets Boos

DCCA Response to 16th Street Parking Restriction

In February, DCCA Transportation Committee Chair, Susan Volman, submitted testimony to the DC Council’s Committee on Transportation seeking reconsideration of the proposed parking restriction in the non-peak, northbound direction of 16th Street NW between O and U Streets during the morning rush hour. The letter asks the Council Committee, in their oversight role, to direct DDOT to provide data on transit time savings for this proposed parking change, and to reconsider it, if it is not justified to improve bus transit on 16th Street.

Click HERE to read the submission.

DCCA Action on Masonic Subdivision

DCCA submitted a letter for the Mayor’s Agent hearing on the subdivision of the Masonic Temple lot. Lance Salonia, DCCA Regulatory Committee Chair will testify at this public hearing, which will be held on February 7, 2020 at 10 am at 1100 4th Street, SW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20024.  Anyone who is concerned about the development at the Masonic Temple is urged to attend.

Click HERE to read the submission.

DCCA Calls for TPI to be reestablished

At the end of January the DCCA requested that ANC2B reestablish the Transportation and Public Infrastructure (TPI) Committee. 

Click HERE to read the letter. 



Dupont Circle Citizens Association awards grants to organizations addressing homelessness in the Dupont Circle neighborhood

(January 6, 2020, Washington, DC) The Dupont Circle Citizens Association (DCCA), the premier civic and residential organization in the Dupont Circle area, is pleased to announce that it has selected three (3) recipients to receive grants from a $100,000 fund created as a result of the settlement of litigation brought by DCCA related to the development at 1772 Church Street NW. The grants were designated for 501(c)(3) organizations addressing homelessness or affordable housing in the Dupont Circle neighborhood. The selected recipients are as follows:

Casa Ruby:  This grant will enable Casa Ruby to do direct outreach, at least three days a week, to homeless LGBTQ youth in Dupont Circle to link them to Casa Ruby’s housing and other services. They will also provide outreach to homeless adults and refer them to city services as appropriate.

Foundry United Methodist Church:  This grant will enable Foundry to increase the reach of and create new tools for their Imago Dei (I.D.) project, which assists homeless and low-income people obtain basic identification documents. The grant will also support Foundry’s work to provide clothing and hospitality to clients who seek assistance when they are released from incarceration, when they are victims of theft, as they deal with abusive relationships, and/or after they return from drug and alcohol treatment. This grant will allow Foundry to assist more individuals and develop digital tools that will allow other organizations to provide similar services.

National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty:  The grant will fund a collaboration between the National Law Center and Sasha Bruce Youthwork to sponsor a weekly drop-in center for homeless youth in Dupont Circle at which both legal services and support services will be available. The aim is not only to provide services but also to educate clients about their legal rights to empower them to advocate for themselves.

“DCCA is pleased that our grants will help address a critical and complex problem impacting our city and our neighborhood. The programs funded by our grants will provide much needed new or increased support to individuals who are experiencing homelessness in our community” said Glenn Engelmann, President of DCCA.

DCCA is honored to support these outstanding organizations and hopes that that our grants will have a tangible, positive impact for individuals and the Dupont Circle neighborhood.

About the Dupont Circle Citizens Association: Founded in 1922 in a townhouse at 1767 P Street, to promote and protect the interests of the residents, the Dupont Circle Citizens Association (DCCA) is the premier civic and residential organization in the Dupont Circle area. DCCA brings neighbors, including residents, businesses and non-profit organizations, together to improve the quality of life in an active and diverse urban neighborhood. It holds membership meetings 9 times each year, which are open to the public, runs the Dupont Circle House Tour, helps to resolve neighborhood issues through its committees, donates to local causes, and incubates innovative projects.

For further information contact:
Glenn Engelmann


DCCA Submits Comments on Comprehensive Plan

DCCA submitted comments on the section of the comprehensive plan that covers the Near Northwest region of the city, which includes Dupont Circle. 

In those comments we emphasized that a revised plan should restore the key takeaways collected from community engagement sessions, as they remain priorities for Dupont Circle. We also recommended more specific and stronger language about affordable housing, pedestrian and bicycle safety, noise abatement in areas with a mixture of residential and entertainment venues, and building design in Dupont Circle.

DCCA's submission to the Office of Planning can be downloaded HERE.

2020 Member Resolutions Party

DCCA's annual Members Only Resolutions Party that will be held on Monday January 13th at Ankara. We look forward to ringing in the New Year with food, beverages and fun at a favorite neighborhood eatery. 

Annual memberships expire at year's end so please remember to join or renew your membership so that you can join this event!

Our regular monthly meetings will resume in February.

DCCA Membership Survey

Thanks to all members who participated in our online membership survey. A brief overview of the results can be viewed by clicking here.  Your feedback offered helpful insight and will help guide DCCA programming in 2020. Thanks to all who took the time to participate!


As reported at the November membership meeting, DCCA has been active in encouraging the DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) and the DC Council to take sensible measures to ensure the safety of all users of our sidewalks and streets in light of hazards posed by the recently introduced dockless electric scooters. 

In October, we submitted comments on DDOT’s “Dockless Bike and Scooter Share 2020” programmatic changes, and on November 4th, DCCA Board Member Marcy Logan testified before the DC Council’s hearing on “The Future of Micromobility in the District and B23-359.”

Information on this hearing can be found here.  Click to read the DCCA Comments to DDOT and the DCCA Testimony to Council.

Bike Lane Update

DDOT has issued its final report on the 20th/21st/22nd street bike lane project. We are pleased that the final plans for the project reflect the position of DCCA that the bike lane should be located primarily on 20th Street rather than the 21st Street option originally favored by DDOT. While there were strong views presented by members of the community throughout this process, we are pleased that ultimately the various segments of the community were able to rally around a plan which minimizes disruption to the community while at the same time allows for a much needed enhancement to the city. This is a great example of ANC2B and DCCA working towards a common goal. You can find the final DDOT report here: https://www.dccycletrack.com/20th21st22ndstnw.

DCCA Submits Opposition Comments

Earlier this week, DCCA submitted comments to the Historic Preservation Review Board in opposition to the application to subdivide the lot upon which the historic landmarked Scottish Rite Temple, 1733 16th Street, NW, is situated. The application is part of the effort to construct a large apartment building behind the temple. DCCA believes that the proposal is contrary to the principles of historic preservation and that the proposed building should be reduced in size. Click here to download our submission.

HPRB Turns Aside Community Concerns and Approves Masonic Temple Development

At its May 23rd hearing, the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) decided to advance the proposed development behind the Masonic Temple. DCCA in several filings had raised serious concerns regarding the design of the development and the process by which HPRB proceeded with its review.

You can click to download DCCA’s submissions including, testimony opposing the height of the proposed development on the site of the landmarked Masonic Temple along with testimony supporting the landmark boundary expansion application and supplemental comments.

Lance Salonia, Chair of the DCCA Regulatory Committee testified in person at the hearing. Other community groups and members raised significant objections to the development. DCCA is disappointed with both the substance of HPRB’s decision and the process by which it was reached.

Historic Preservation

Our April meeting included a presentation on historic preservation laws and principles by Steve Callcott, Dupont Circle resident and Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer for the District of Columbia. 

Click here to download a PDF document that shares the District's online resources for planning, permits and preservation.

Reduce Reuse Recycle

Ever been unsure about which items can be recycled, or which items are considered too hazardous to put in your trash bin? Zero Waste DC quickly answers your questions with its What Goes Where tool.

Visit the What Goes Where Tool and type in the name of the item you have a question about, and information will be provided on how best to dispose of it in the District.  Or have some fun and test your local recycling knowledge with the interactive DC Waste Sorting Game.



March 14, 2019

Contact:  Robin Diener, President Dupont Circle Citizens Assn, 202 431-9254, president@dupont-circle.org

                Marina Streznewski, President, Foggy Bottom Assn, 202 441-3744, mstreznewski@gmail.com

Two Ward 2 Civic Groups Join Call for DC Council to Investigate Jack Evans

In a joint letter to DC Council Chairman Phil Mendelson, two Ward Two civic groups -- Dupont Circle Citizens Association and Foggy Bottom Association – issued support for the appointment of a special DC Council committee to investigate allegations of unethical actions surrounding Ward Two Councilmember Jack Evans. The groups also asked that Evans be removed from chairmanship of the Finance and Revenue Committee, as well as from the Judiciary Committee, pending the outcome of any investigations.   The full text of the Associations’ joint statement is as follows (click here to download letter):

"The Dupont Circle Citizens Association and the Foggy Bottom Association are deeply troubled by the allegations and recent news reports concerning the conduct of Ward 2 Councilmember Jack Evans. The integrity of our government is fundamental to our democracy. Given the questions raised regarding CM Evans, we support the appointment of a special committee by the DC Council to investigate the allegations and the Council taking appropriate action based upon the findings of the investigation. Given the seriousness of the allegations, we also urge the Council to remove temporarily CM Evans from the Judiciary Committee and the chairmanship of the Finance and Revenue Committee pending the outcome of the investigation."

Founded in 1922 in a townhouse at 1767 P Street, to promote and protect the interests of the residents, the Dupont Circle Citizens Association (DCCA) is the premier civic and residential organization in the Dupont Circle area.  DCCA brings neighbors, including residents, businesses and non-profit organizations, together to improve the quality of life in an active and diverse urban neighborhood. It holds membership meetings nine times each year, which are open to the public, organizes the Dupont Circle House Tour, resolves neighborhood issues through its committees, donates to local causes, and incubates innovative projects.

Dupont Circle Citizens Association | 9 Dupont Circle, NW | Washington, DC 20036
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software